Love Amarpal's spool holder, but it didn't have any area where I could stick some labels for my wires! Instead of remixing the entire holder, I decided to just design this little plate that prints fast without supports or adhesion and snaps into place. Reference my screenshot of Cura for ideal print orientation. You'll want to rotate the model so that it prints on its side for maximum strength. Uses only 3g of plastic and prints in under 20 minutes.
Material: PLA+
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer Height: 0.2mm
Supports: None
Adhesion: None
Walls: 2
Infill: 15%
I've also designed extra wire spools that fit perfectly and print easily, check them out here:
The author remixed this model.
A plate that snaps on to Amarpal's spool holder so that you can label your wires!