After several years, the rail holder in our closet broke. Whether it was due to old age or the amount of clothes will forever remain a mystery, though the latter is most likely. After a long search for printable alternatives that can also withstand a considerable amount of weight, I finally decided to sit down and create my own solution, which is easy to print, fits perfectly, and is also stable enough.
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I am doing all this stuff in my freetime. And, oh boy, these projects take a lot of time. I swear. If you want to support my work, feel free to cheer some bits or giftsubs at my Twitch channel or you can always leave some tip via paypal. Thanks a lot!
The author remixed this model.
The design prevents the rail from moving upwards out of the bracket and provides greater stability through a thicker outer wall, rounded edges, screw holes, and a larger surface area of each layer to better distribute the weight.