TTGO Lora32 T3 3 Button & LiPo Case

A version of the original with three buttons on 12.7mm centres, space for a 40 x 60mm LiPo and a 9.6mm piezo sounder.
updated May 26, 2024



A case for the TTGO Lora32 which makes it a more useful portable device, with the intention of using it as a pager. It has three buttons on 12.7mm centres (can be done on perfboard), space for up to a 40 x 60mm LiPo and a 9.6mm piezo sounder. Mouser Part Number for the sounder is 490-CMI-9650C-030.

Hole left in the front of the case was originally for a switch extension, but that doesn't work properly so it's been left open for a tool to reach in and operate the power switch. May be revised later. Buttons and sounder may require some glue or spacers to hold them in place.

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

A version of the original with three buttons on 12.7mm centres, space for a 40 x 60mm LiPo and a 9.6mm piezo sounder.

