These are handy for clipping a brake light to a saddle bag strap. The “brake light clip” versions are for the mounting system most of the cheapo rechargeable brake lights on <insert online marketplace> use, obviously YMMV, but STEP files are included for you to make your own changes.
The three pictured designs shown on bikes have seen at least 500 miles of use for each design with one of the Vario versions seeing 3000+ miles without having fallen off the bike. The interlocking teeth design grabs the strap very well while still being easy to remove without tearing up the strap. The way this is designed, you have to PULL up on the clip to remove it, bouncing the clip up and down causes the clip to twist instead of pop off the strap. I was amazed at how well this clip design worked on the first go. I designed this 2 years ago as you can tell by how dirty the saddle bag is in the photo.
The Garmin style is used for my partner's Vario. The Garmin mount is VERY tight and might take some cleanup to fit correctly (I used someone else's design for this and it was the best I could find). These work fine printed in PLA (What I used for the grey versions), PETG, ABS and probably other materials for on road use. For off road, I would print in PETG or ABS. All designs should be printable without supports in PLA on a Prusa or comparable printer. May need supports for other materials.
Print orientation:
The author remixed this model.
Used the mount geometry in my design to create a new application for the mount.