"The Gliding P" Electric Guitar

V-shaped electric guitar you can possibly build yourself.
updated June 24, 2024



Questions: How long rolls of filament are needed?

@cabal2000_22011 3 rolls is probably safe, maybe able to get away with less i'm not super sure myself

Any chance of reworking it for just the bridge pickup?

@cabal2000_22011 Sorry brotha, I don't think I will have the time to do something like that on my end, however, you are more than welcome to download the model and modify it yourself if you are keen

Hey, I'm just about done printing all the pieces, and I've got it mostly figured out. but does anyone have a picture of where all the threaded inserts go? I'm going to use gorilla glue as well but I figure doubling up on strength won't hurt

@eto1983_527643 sorry for just seeing this now, I imagine you might have figured it out by now but the holes in the top face of the guitar that dont touch the bridge are for the threaded inserts. the holes on the main body sides are also for threaded inserts but i didnt like how they worked so i didnt use them when i built mine, i just used glue. the bottom of the guitar had threaded inserts for the battery cover too.

Parts fit up well and was pretty straight forward. Burned through a good amount of m4 bolts. Just need to get all the non-printable parts

Shane Wheat Industries, You made an AMAZING guitar! I might make a few of these for my band! I put it together and had to make some mods since I wasn't able to find some of the same parts but was very easy to put together!

@Doctaylor Dude holy smokes that coloring you printed is TIGHT I am like ecstatic you actually successfully made it this is so cool omg im screaming

@MathiasHedega_679186 not really, telecaster bridges should be universal with the bolt pattern on the body of the guitar most of the parts were gotten off the telecaster kit. For knobs the ones that come with emg pickups work and you’d have to get the emg low profile three way switch and that barely fits. You’d also need some wire to solder extensions onto the output jack. And for bridge screws and nuts they’re 10-24 bolts and nuts I just grinded the bolt down to not be so long

Where did you source the 9" long rods and I assume that the rods are also 1/4" as well to stiffen the body?

@Doctaylor I work in a machine shop so I kinda just took some from the stock room but I imagine rods you buy at like the hardware store should work provided they’re actually .25 inch diameter (sometimes stock comes in slightly bigger than nominal)

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