RepRapMicron's OpenFlexure Block Stage

The basis for RepRapMicron, a micron-scale 3D printer. Edited version of the OpenFlexure Block Stage. CERN OHL 1.2
updated May 26, 2024



This is a project in the early stages of development. Do feel free to join in and/or ask questions, but at this stage it is definitely not for beginners! I have posted the files here so that others can join in with the project. We're not on version numbers yet, but this machine is called “Titch”

There are some 3D printed gears and tools needed, which can be obtained from the OpenFlexure website and the RepRapMicron collection. Development is covered on the RepRapMicron wiki and documented on the blog.

There are also 3D printable parts for endstop switches that glue into the base. These are made from 50mm lengths of 0.6mm wire (nichrome is good), pushed into the slots of the printed endstop parts and superglued into position. One wire is bent slightly down to remain in contact with the base, the other slightly up so it doesn't contact until the mechanism above squashes it. At present this requires some poking and cutting holes in the base. See photo.

So far the project is able to position a probe with a sub-micron tip with micron accuracy on the build bed. It is driven by standard GRBL CNC hardware/firmware, or your choice of RepRap hardware/firmware.

  • Amongst the many things you need to complete the build are:
  • The main body
  • The base
  • 3 NEMA17 steppers and a way to drive them
  • 3 large gears and an assembly tool (from OpenFlexure)
  • 3 Small gears (from the delta microscope mods in the collection)
  • Probe arm parts and slide holder (collection)
  • 3 x 30mm x 2mm ‘O’ rings
  • Assorted M3 fasteners

You will also need at least one good USB microscope, and some fine probes (probe jig in collection). Further parts may be needed as the project progresses.

Basic build instructions for the block stage can be found on the OpenFlexure site, so start there then follow the blog.

My contributions are under GPL V3, but the original OpenFlexure files are under the CERN Open hardware licence. If anyone wants the complete source as per CERN OHL let me know in the comments and I'll send you a complete tarball with sanitized GPL bits. Eventually there will be a totally new GPL-only model so I'm reluctant to create and maintain a dedicated repository.

Good luck!


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

OpenFlexure Block Stage

Differences of the remix compared to the original

This is the main mechanism and base of an OpenFlexure Block Stage that has been modified for use as the basis for a micron-scale 3D printer prototype called RepRapMicron. The usable volume has been increased, the platform repositioned, motor mounts strengthened, the stage perforated, and various apertures added so that you can actually get a damned screwdriver in position to screw the thing together!
