This insert fits everything from the trooper pledge (and the „bonus“ map pack) inside the white big box for Rainbow 6: Siege - the board game.
Box setup (top to bottom):
- rules
- top layer:
- barricade_tray: all barricades
- breach_tray: all breaches
- defender_operator_setup_tray: operator specific components for defenders
- attacker_operator_setup_tray: operator specific components for attackers (I replaced the shields with 3d printed ones and the bottom piece of the gravel figure with a standee)
- all four map boards
- middle layer:
- fire_gas_smoke_tray: fire, gas and smoke standees (disassembled)
- mission_setup_bottom: hostage mini & markers, round tracker, bombs, control tokens, bonus tokens
- mission_setup_top: charge cubes, dice
- operator_profile_tray: operator profiles, tactical inventories, LoS rulers
- defender_token_tray: activation tokens, wound tokens, stunned markers, located markers, overwatch tokens, leaning standees, reroll token
- attacker_token_tray: activation tokens, wound tokens, stunned markers, located markers, overwatch tokens, leaning standees, reroll token
- defender_setup_tray: 2 shields, cameras, bulletproof cameras, barbwire, fortified entryways
- attacker_setup_tray: drone, claymores (I also store a line laser in this tray)
- bottom layer:
- defender_mini_tray: miniatures, named entryway tokens, hidden operator tokens
- attacker_mini_tray: miniatures, named entryway tokens
- obstacle layer with the card board insert from the base game
- masks & replacements
- fits all different cardboard tokens from the base game and a few duplicate ones. Make sure to position the highest obstacles on the edge where the recess of the defender tray is (like pictured). I cut off a small piece of card board of the chairs so I could place them on their back inside the box.
Tip: Make sure that the activated face of the activation markers is visible from both sides of the token stack. It's a tight fit otherwise because of the rounded corners (for optics).
If your printer has a print bed of 30cm or larger you can print the full trays. I printed the split versions of the larger pieces and connected them via duck tape.
The insert needs quite a lot of filament to print because of the thick rims. It was about 2.5kg with 15% infill.
I printed a few of these shields to replace the cardboard ones:
The author marked this model as their own original creation.