Offset PCI Slot USB panelmount for tight clearances

Quick n' dirty PCI slot USB port panel with offset and structural reinforcements. Intended for use in tight clearances.
updated May 10, 2024



Needed a quick-and-dirty PCI slot bracket to stick a panel mount USB3 thing in because I built myself into a corner. My nice, a e s t h e t i c green server board that I am repurposing as an office PC build had only two(!) rear USB ports, and the only slot I could use was sandwiched between the 2 ⅓ slot GPU and the case fan at the bottom, leaving very little clearance in the Jonsbo TK1 matx case I am using. 

I obtained a USB header thing for this. This model is designed around it. Linked below.


I only had Elegoo Rapid PETG available and didn't feel like ordering/waiting for new filament just for this. I can't speak for all PETG but this particular one is a bit too flexible for this use case, and comes out somewhere between very bendy and slightly floppy. Not ideal! So, did a lazy and slightly drunken remix job and now I have  a slightly more reasonable 4 USB ports in the back (and I get to keep my GPU and 10Gbe card too!)

The ports actually stick out the back, but this allows more space where I need it- inside the case. The extrusions are sized to fit the panel mount jacks reasonably snugly and also cover the sides.

I also hit undo a few times after completion to get a reinforced blank PCI slot cover in case somebody needs it (probably a better remix basis than this model is). Link below:


This model is not picky.  All I had is Elegoo Rapid PETG and it works fine enough for structural purposes. Anything more rigid, like ABS/ASA/PLA should be fine though I will note the flexibility of PETG can aid insertion in cramped scenarios. 

I use .2 layer height, 30% infill and 4 wall loops, 3 each top and bottom shell layers, cube infill. This is excessive but just what I keep Orcaslicer locked at as it is what I use for most of my prints and it didn't seem worth burning time fat-trimming for something this small.

Less of all of those should be fine given the size. I will note that the basis model suggests 20% infill and basically whatever for other settings. That should be fine.

No supports should be needed though I can only speak for my own rig and material.


There are two models here: “Centered” and “Offset.” Centered has an alignment similar to a normal one of these things that you can find for sale. “Offset” is what I ultimately needed to do to get the thing to fit. It shifts the ports towards the motherboard and slightly downward.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Computer Expansion Slot Cover - Three Types
by willbert6100 (

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Thickened the cover such that z-thickness is 1.375mm on the plate. Nibbled a bit off the top of the attachment point (small side of the L) to compensate. Added cuboid reinforcements along the long side to add rigidity, with the result that this bracket can be used with PETG and/or other less-rigid materials, and should be a bit more resilient with stiffer materials. This will also fit more snugly and the reinforcements also help align the cover in the slot.

Added extruded USB port panel mounts to accommodate the USB panel-mount port thing linked in description.

“Offset” version turned out to be necessary to cram this thing into my case- it moves the ports closer to the tongue of the bracket (away from the L) and also a few hairs downwards. This is the one that is pictured.
