Would someone please provide a link to the recommended PTFE tube carrier print that this design is intended to work with?
Would someone please provide a link to the recommended PTFE tube carrier print that this design is intended to work with?
@Rhastlyn I feel like a rectangular cube to hold the spring in is also missing.
Woher bekomme ich das filament führungsteil
Works perfect to me, solve the last and the only problem! nice work!
Thanks Jimmy_H
It performs without fail. Great upgrade! I agree with Tosswill, this should be part of the original design of the V-Spooler X.
The current version of the original design has the tooth cam carrier and the sleeve for the tube as one piece. I assume, in an earlier version that was a 2-piece part as well, and I have to look for it....
Printed on my P1P with PETG (edited)
@VolkhardNeuma_955916 I'm happy it works well for you :) I've sent some info regarding the tube holder in message.
Ok this thing is fantastic.
I tried everything to get the original to work, and the wider cam works like a charm. It should be on the standard model.