Worked quite nicely! Used a Sharpie for the details.
Worked quite nicely! Used a Sharpie for the details.
@SandiHasanagi_672763 I'm sorry to hear that. :D
Safety first!
I like the clean-looking design, but the middle pin was far too tight to fit into the body as shown. I think the tolerance should be increased to at least 0.15mm for the majority of people. I printed with Sunlu Jayo PLA @0.20mm variable layer height while using a 0.4mm nozzle. Thanks for sharing!
Works great! A little bit of sandpaper on the sides and the top of the sliding pin helped it move smoothly. I would recommend a filament change for the markings instead of sloppily hitting it with a sharpie like I did.
Printed in pla, the text ripped of in some parts so I had to use a marker, also the tolerances aren't that great
had to trim the edges of the slider a bit to get it to work but now it fits nicely. thanks for sharing!
Cool practical print. I found I had to lightly file the sides of the needle before assembly otherwise it was too snug of a fit.
@ObijuanKenobi_358336 thank you for your review!
“Tire is not legally bald” is not the same as “Tire is OK”.
An “OK” winter tire depth is also not as shallow as an “OK” summer tire, so the !/check scale on this is easy to read but a bit simplistic in its advice. I used a few Sharpie pens to colour-code my scale.
It is much easier to fit into a wheel well than are my calipers, so it suits my current purposes, but I don’t expect it to last a long time.
I suspect the ability to slide the pin may vary with %flow and elephant’s foot, based on other comments. Mine has a slight stiction at one point in the track, but otherwise slides well and is not so loose that it would fallout.