YET another LED ARC lamp

LED Strip - lamp for FCOB WS2814 Addressable 784 LED per/m ESP32 controller, GLEDOPTO WLED Controller
updated April 30, 2024





Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Like so many others ,I like the LED Bridge Lamp by Opossums
There are a few others great designs like: 
this one
this one
this one 
this one 
… and probably a few more
But as usual none of them was exactly, what I was looking for ….. as usual :-(

I also wanted to use strips like this one from BTF Lighting
FCOB SPI RGBW IC LED Light Strip WS2814 Addressable 784 LED

This made the LED diffusor obsolete - :-)

Therefore a controller is needed and I wanted to go with some ESP32 thingy.
But then I found this one: 
Comes with all the connectors, has his PSU integrated, has a button 
is sound reactive, in a box,  
has 2 GPIO outputs - great
and all connector on board - even better :-)
… and therefore I think this thing is well worth the money spent!!

I just had to upgrade the firmware from github using this file: 
… because the strip needed “color swapping”

In the “usermod” configuration I had to set the following parameter,
 to make this thing “sound reactive”

The LED setup for this strip is

So here is my solution for a 178cm wide work-desk.
The radius for the ARC where the LED runs is 65cm.
Therefore the minimum width for the whole assembly is is 130 cm +2x3.8cm = 137.6cm.

For my desk I needed a total width of 178 cm so I needed to add ~410mm in the center.
Because printing the ARC extension upright, I had to split the part in 2.

That turned out to be a total height of almost 216.8mm high!!
My old trusty workhorse MK2.5 could not print this high :-( 
… so I had to use my MK3.9 :-)
Because of the very low bed adhesion I designed a breakout part to increase bed adhesion.
But that did not work with the standard MK3.9 speed settings.

I added custom G-code to gradually slow do the printer. Every 10mm or so  (M220 Sxx) 
I ended up at only 30% rate at the last 10mm.

Be aware that this print uses up to 2kg of Filament!!

I also used both GLEDOPTO Output (GPIO 16&2) 
therefore almost 2x ~2.4m = ~4.8m LED strip

Attention: test them BEFORE gluing them!

Fusion 360 file included
..have fun :-)
