Gradient Infill Prusa/Orca/Bambu/Cura slicer

Example of the Gradient infill script
2h 0m
2× print file
0.20 mm
0.60 mm
2.00 g
updated September 24, 2024



This is an example of the gradient infill script made by CNC Kitchen. This is the video he made about it: . Originally it was made to work with Cura.

 I adopted the script to work in Prusa, Bambu and Orca slicer. A detailed guide to setting it up in the slicer can be found at my Github here: .The latest version automatically recognizes the slicer and has an build in volumetric flow limit.

In the pictures you can see the change in line width, which was the original function. When you increase the line width, but don't change the print Speed you will increase the volumetric flow, which can be too much for your hotend. I implemented a flow limit, which decreases the printing speed when the flow is getting too much (15 mm^3/s in the example).

The provided 3mf file will not automatically work with the script. You will need to follow the guide on Github.

Don't print the provided gcode, since i had to delete some klipper specific lines, which weren't allowed to upload. I uploaded it so you can take a look at the gcode. To see the changes look at the volumetric flow, line width and speed in a gcode previewer.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Adapted script to prusa, bambu and orca slicer
