Sovol SV08 5" BTT HDMI Display

Sovol SV08 5" BTT HDMI Display by CN3D
updated December 2, 2024



Great job Nadir. It looks amazing and fits up great, I printed the one for the HDMI5 V1.2 with Eryone PLA and I only have a very minor note and that is the bottom hole for bolting through the plates could be moved over closer to right edge by about 5mm (looking at the screen face). As you can see in my pic it is very close to the OEM cutout. It does work but moving it over the 5mm would make it even better. (edited)

@Blenky_517977 thanks for sharing your experience and thanks for the suggestion

So i got a V1.2 and tried out your prototype.

I had to scrape away a bit of the print to allow the 90 degree USB cable to clear.

Also, the 2nd mounting hole that was repositioned is barely on the mount. you can see it at the bottom of the 2nd pic.

but other than that, this look really slick. thanks

Doesn’t work with enclosure

so what was the outcome with the doors hitting i ran into same problem

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@Nadir there is one on here that fits perfect and no drilling required uses the stock holes. Thanks.

I loved this display case for my SV08 but I just got my enclosure kit and this screen will not allow the doors to close. Searching for another but I am not getting lucky so I may have to do some cad. (edited)

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@Nadir I have the v1.2 screen with the 90 degree connectors. That link is for the side connector style screen.

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@Nadir thank you for your excellent design also. This saved me about $50 USD when compared to the OEM screen. And I was able to mount it and I think it looks great.

@Barbasnoo glad you like it. We are releasing new upgrades for the SV08

Would it be possible to get a .step for the HDMI v1.2 version, and faceplate cover? (edited)

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@Nadir Isn't a .step. I guess the answer is "no." Thanks anyway.

Amazing Nadir! This is my first try with this printer, I will print another one black soon.
thank u so much!

Very easy to print and install. Thanks!

@nmolinek_314333 Thanks for sharing your make. btw I love to see a very clean print! Congrats!

Greetings Nadir!

I’m working on some door latch, and I need space to use the holes from this notch, to fix a part of the mechanism, can you get some clearence around these holes? To keep compatability with your part!

Best regards!

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Printed in Prusament PETG Carmine Red - looks really nice and everything fits together nicely.

If somebody should aready have designed an adapter plate to mount this in place of the puny standard display, please let me know before I design one myself! ;) (edited)

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@Nadir Yeah, I thoughht about that, but I don't want to drill into the device just yet. I'm not even sure where exactly I want to put it - I'll decide on that when I have the enclosure. I'l probably just put it on top of the printer then, anyway. :)

@Zappes_1061978 It will center itself, this why it has that area where you need support ;) and using the existing holes mark down the place where the holes need to be. STOP the 3d printer Unplug it from main AC and you need to put the screws from behind the electronics area See the the make Mandic Posted ;)