These are templates for my ski drill jig (found here). If you have a Bambu printer and want to use a my print profile with settings and pre-colored text (I only have one fully set up for 9.0mm which is what i use for with brass inserts), check it out here.
9/24/24: - updated template geometry so that toe and heel stops slide into place for easier storage. Added the stops and toe springs to this file. Consolidated some templates (PLUM toes and Heels, kingpin and alpinist toe).
***This version has flush text and requires a printer with multiple heads or a filament changing system for best results. If you prefer single color printing or a single filament change, see version 1. (note however this is the version I am more likely to keep updated). For best results print these text down on the build plate with supports enabled for the toe/heel features.
Templates are organized into different folders by Toe and heel templates and also by alpine vs tech vs demo bindings. Print templates according to what bindings you want to mount. The number label after each template file indicates the hole size (more on that below.)
Sometimes different brands calls the same binding by a different name and some patterns are shared by multiple bindings; If you can't find what you are looking for it might be under a different name.
Most of the data is from paper templates. Sources are indicated in the SCAD file with the data. Where there are variations between templates I have chosen what I think to be the correct one.
The small notch in the hole is for Z-seam clearance. This is important to get a smooth cylindrical surface for drill guidance or for bushing fit. Make sure and set Z-seam position to be at the sharpest corner.
Binding hole patterns and drill size combinations are endless - Use the parameterized OpenSCAD file to create or modify a template for any binding (use dimensions from paper drill templates available, or measure the binding yourself). You can use the SCAD files to easily make templates that are sized for use without inserts or for non-stepped drill bits. Also you may have to adjust the width of the templates for a more secure fit based on how much your filament shrinks.
Use the 8.25mm holes if you intend to use WITHOUT brass inserts - If you are able to print you own parts, this is the simplest method and will fit a standard 8mm ski drill bit.
If you are able to easily print you own templates you probably don't need to use a drill sleeve, but it makes for a nicer product with increased durability, so feel free to if you want
If you want to use WITH drill sleeves, you will want to print the template parts that have a good snug fit to the tube being used. You will have to test the hole size and you'll want to print whichever size fits best on your as-printed parts. Different filament materials, mfg, color, etc all affect shrinkage a little bit and thus hole size. There is a test part for dialing in hole size.
Brass drill sleeves
These (K&S 8134) 11/32" x 0.014" wall brass tubes are perfect fit for a standard 8mm. Cut to ~¾" length. You can also get in longer packs if you plan to make more than a couple templates (or use the aluminum tubes).
If using brass inserts print the test block to determine which of the 8.95/9.0/9.05/9.1mm templates to use for a good fit for the insert. A few drops of super glue is sufficient to bond to plastic if you have a snug fit to begin with.
I use 8.95mm or 9.0mm most of the time with PETG depending on the brand.
Aluminum drill sleeves
These (K&S 3908) 9mm OD x 0.45mm wall aluminum tubes will also fit 8mm stepped ski bit and will increase durability of templates. Cut to ~¾" length.
I use 9.25mm holes with PETG for these, but i might make 1 size smaller (9.20mm).
The Easiest way to color this version is to import the file into your slice and split into parts. Then you can change the color of the main body and all the text pieces to whatever you wish. This should work for anything based on Prusa Slicer (prusa/bambu/orca) other slicers might work slightly different.
*the 22Designs template will require a little more painting if you don't want a lot of filament changes.
Template files use OpenScad which i will admit isn't all that user friendly - If you can't figure it out send me a message and I am happy to help you or modify one for you.
To modify or make a new template, first get OpenSCAD.
Template data is first (most is commented out) and general parameters are listed below.I just comment/un-comment the template data I want (Template=…), one at a time. It might be a little difficult to understand the formatting at first.
Follow the formatting to create a new template. You will need to input hole locations, type of template (toe/heel), basic sizes and some modifiers - It is probably easiest to copy and paste an entry and then modify.
If you can't get it to work and send me a message and I can add for a template for you. I have a script that will run the file and output .stl's for every entry at each of the different diameters.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.