"Over the past 57 years, the hero Perry Rhodan has formed a cosmos of his own in more than 3000 Perry Rhodan book novels , more than 900 Atlan booklets , over 450 paperbacks and other complementary publications - the Perryversum . It is our goal to fully grasp the perryversum." (For more Infos: https://www.perrypedia.proc.org)
The Ship has a diameter of 60m and is arkon ultra light cruiser. The model has a scale of 1: 2000.
Time-line: 1514 NGZ (New Galactic Time) / 5101 AD
Nation/military faction: Arkon / Crystal Empire
The model need every part only one time.
for the landing legs are used pin. (https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B000VR4Q0M/ref=oh\_aui\_detailpage\_o09\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
further Arkon's spaceships in the same time period:
light cruisers (hunting cruisers):
heavy cruiser
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