This is a handle designed to work with this parametric box. It is very similar to this handle, but the width and height can be adjusted in Fusion 360. The attached .3mf file is for a box with dimensions of 220mm wide by 40mm tall.
To change the size of the handle:
The Height should generally be the “hight” parameter of your box minus 8mm. The Width should generally be the “lengh” parameter of your box minus 104.25mm. In the original parametric box, there are several adjustable parameters that affect the placement of the ribs, so simply subtracting 104.25mm from the lengh is not a solid rule.
Alternatively, you can measure the dimensions yourself. The Width parameter is the distance between the ribs where you want to mount it. Be sure to subtract about half a mm to avoid rubbing. The Height parameter how far down the handle will hang from the center of the mounting point. It is not the overall height of the handle.
02AUG2022 - Updated the Fusion360 model to add additional constraints to (hopefully) ensure proper geometry when adjusting the size.
The author remixed this model.