There are some Heat Insert Presses in Printables that will fit the following presented baseplate.
Original design by @BaGooN:
Remake with different Linear guide system by @Tritschi:
Org. system (@BaGooN) has a stand with feed. Other “makes" show the press mounted on a wood base plate.
My (this) design covers a 12mm plate with fitting recess for the pillar (e.g. "body2.stl"), also I have incorporated four holes in the plate where you can plug in four "pucks" (see files). These pucks have an integrated spring to stay in play of the plate, they don't come off slightly.
In case you need to heat insert parts that extend your baseplate and you don't want to search for 12mm stand-offs you will use the integrated pucks (stand-offs), just pop them off and you'll have correct 12mm distance for support. After work is done, just put them back into the baseplate …. just a little gadget …
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The author marked this model as their own original creation.