Fully printable RGB lamp from Prusament Woodfill and Prusament PETG.
No screws needed!
Assembly requires basic soldering equipment and skills + Arduino IDE
Black, White and Red cables approx. 15cm long
Arduino Nano R3 or Arduino Micro
DC female connector 5,5/2,1mm for DPS: part nr. DS-241B(SL)
6x6x6 micro switch (tactile button) or 6x6x10mm tactile button
5V RGB LED strip WS2812B 144LED per meter → approx 60cm (50 LED chips)
1pcs zip tie (from Prusa MINI/XL/MK4/MK3S+ kit)
Soldering equipment
Shrinking tubes
Hot glue gun
Solder the wiring to the RGB LED strip and carefuly wound it in spiral onto the printed "LED frame"
After winding the strip onto the LED Frame, leave approx 10cm long cables and cut the rest.
Solder the signal cable to D4 pinout on Arduino Nano.
Solder signal cable from RGB strip to D5 pin and GND cable to GND pinout on Arduino board.
5V from DC connector solder to VCC of the Arduino nano as well as to the LED strip
Solder one side of tactile button pin to D2 pinout and GND to second pin of the tactile button.
If necessary, you can secure the tactile button in slot by using a drop of hot glue from glue gun.
Open Arduino IDE, select R3 Arduino nano in tools and open "Manage Library" and find Fast LED. Install it to your IDE and open new scetch. Download also https://www.tweaking4all.com/hardware/arduino/arduino-all-ledstrip-effects-in-one/ for all Effect and open this code in IDE.
Change the number of LED to the number of LED modules you've used for your lamp (60 in our case) (#define NUM_LEDS 60 ) and under the same line add a new line of code #define BRIGHTNESS 500 to set brighteness of the LED.
Now you can connect the Arduino via USB cable and flash the sketch to your Arduino IDE. As you have soldered the tactile button to D2 pin, you can change the light effect by pressing the button.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.