Filament sensor mounting kit with PTFE tube to move a spool to the side of your printer.
The assembly uses stock screws. But if you're using this frame brace (very cool by the way), you'll need two longer screws than stock. I used M3x30mm.
You will also need a 4mm diameter PTFE tube, as you can see in the attached photos. The tube should fit tightly into the holes, but it depends on the calibration of your printer. Anyway, I have attached the source files Fusion 360, so feel free to customize the model to your case
The models can be printed without supports. The positioning of the models can be seen in the attached image (the green ones).
Important note! After installing the kit, you will most likely need to calibrate the flow, because this setup has higher friction than stock one, so you may get a little underextrusion.
The author remixed this model.
I used the original models as a starting point of ideas, to design my version of the mount set