The MMU3 had quite the right timing for me to get into multicoloured prints, but the original spool holders didn't run that smooth so I decided to print my own. I used the Spool Holders from Jacksonk as a start because they fitted my Ball-Bearings. Added a printed rod that also keeps the spool in place, its inspired by train wheels.
Also I made some little adjustments on some parts. The final parts are all in the .3mf File, but I also uploaded the .stl's of the parts I made.
You also need to download the original Holders from Jacksonk here to get all the parts.
My parts are designend for a Ball-bearing with a diameter of 22mm on the outside and a diameter of 8mm on the inside but all parts can be adjusted.
With these Spool holders you can fit everything for your MMU3 in one IKEA Cabinet as seen in the picture. for this I also made an improved Fan holder and a screw able led-strip holder.
The model is part of my Printer Enclosure Project. All models I am going to use are listed in my Printer Enclosure Collection.
The author remixed this model.
The additional parts can be used to use the spool holder with ball-bearings for a smoother spool rolling experience.