This 2 color, 3D printed business card was designed entirely in PrusaSlicer.
It is 3 layers thick with the text on the first layer, so there is only 1 manual color change necessary. (I'm anxiously awaiting release of the MMU3 for my MK4)
The text color is on extruder1 so it goes down first, the printer prompts for a color change, and the rest of the card is printed around it.
There's no stl included, unfortunately, because exporting as an stl loses the text information.
This was created by starting with a new project in the slicer.
The printer configuration needs to be set to 2 (or more) extruders with Single Extruder Multi Material disabled. My tool change gcode is
{if previous_extruder >=0 } ; prevent an unnecessary color change at the start of the print
M600 Z15 N
You can optionally set the color of each extruder if you want to view the gcode in the actual colors.
Print settings should be 0.2mm layers. Under Multiple Extruders disable Wipe tower.
On the Plater screen, right click on the build plate to add a shape-box. Scale the box to the desired size and thickness. Then right-click the top of the box and add a text modifier (3 in this case) set the desired font, size, and text, then set the depth to 0.2mm.
Finally re-orient the box so the text side is face down on the build plate and slice.
This same technique can be scaled up to create signs of any size.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.