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Elevated Feet for FIXDRY

Elevate your FIXDRY with 3D printable legs for safer, more efficient airflow!
updated April 2, 2024



Introducing a 3D printable safety innovation for the FIXDRY filament dryer: a set of carefully designed supporting legs. These unique legs attach effortlessly to the existing feet of your FIXDRY filament dryer. Engineered for a snug and safe fit, they elevate the dryer, enhancing air circulation and safety.

This design was inspired by a personal experience. An unnoticed object blocked the dryer's air intake, causing it to overheat. This overheating led to a dangerous situation where the room filled with toxic fumes because the internal shroud partially melted. This incident highlighted the importance of proper airflow underneath the dryer. These new supporting legs create a safe distance between the dryer and the floor or table, ensuring maximum airflow to the intake and preventing overheating.

Printing Instructions:
Download and print! This model is designed for easy printing, with no supports required.

For more accessories and functional upgrades to your FIXDRY filament dryer, check out these following links:



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
