An attempt to make a quadrophonic pickup system for the O'Cello. This, coupled with copper tape on the 'frets' of the o'cello that make contact with the strings as they're pressed down and send an electric single down a resistor ladder, would've allowed me to detect when an individual string is being played.
However, due to the resonance of the cello, the strings can pick up vibrations from all the other strings. So a big pluck/note on one string may register as a small note on all the others. This renders the whole
Plus the whole thing just takes up a lot of space and wouldn't be comfortable to play with.
Anyway, I figured I put this out there just for the sake of reaching a 'checkpoint' on this struggling project...
To get the Right side pickup holder, mirror the object in your slicing software of choice.
Note that the Right side Arm is actually a different height.
The two weird-looking '[ ]'-shaped parts use an MGB single-string pickup:
The other two are just flat coils:
(I tried to use small electromagnetic relay coils, but I couldn't find a way to safely extract the coil from the body of the relay.
You've gotta toss some magnets on top to make it work as a pickup though.
For more info, check out this youtube video: )
Screws are M3s and M4s of various sizes. Nuts required.
Category: Music
The author remixed this model. Imported from Thingiverse.
New full structure around the ‘sound hole’ of the cello. Designed to work with parts from O'Cello MIDI v2.1 as well. (