This hexagonal trick box has a hidden latch mechanism.
The part that twists can be almost anything! This project comes with several topper designs, but you can easily make your own.
This model can be printed entirely without supports!
The spring should be printed with enough perimeters so that the thin arms of the spring are made entirely out of perimeter lines. This will make sure it bends in the correct way.
I've tested printing the spring in PLA and PETG. So far, it has worked well, but some filament may bend and withstand regular use better than others.
Base.stl and its various sizes has 15mm long bridges. These need to be printed straight or the latches won't slide as easily into place.
Watch this video for the complete process.
Make sure to pre-tension the spring by one gear tooth
This will assure that the latches have a strong hold on the base. This is also necessary for the alignment of some toppers.
Make sure to glue the spring and topper
If you do not fully secure these parts, the mechanism may become detached while in a locked state. Duper glue or hot glue can work.
Topper Options
Base Options
Lid Options
Latch Options
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This license allows selling copies, but you must provide proper attribution, as detailed in the license itself.
Please note that any other projects linked here (remixes or related projects) may have a different license. Please respect those licenses.
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Category: Containers
The author marked this model as their own original creation.