Makes it possible to adjust the angle and the height of the the split keyboard with small legs.
When printing it can be good to add elephant ears if you have adhesion issues. All models should be oriented in the correct position.
The top plate is the same, but the bottom has holes to drop m3 nuts in. When there is a nut you can use the legs to adjust the height and angle of the keyboard. This plus the wrist supports i have added makes this already ergonomic keyboard even more ergonomic and it makes my wrists happy.
The pads is symmetrical so just flip it. I glues some soft foam on them to make them even nicer.
Real nice keyboard:
The author remixed this model.
The original model only encased the keyboard, but i still felt some pain in my wrist because of the height. This update make it possible to adjust the angle of the keyboard to fit your approach. There are also added wrist support to get the correct height.