This is Gossamer, the monster from Looney Tunes, originally created by the amazing Chuck Jones in 1946 for the cartoon “Hair-Raising Hare.” In the 1952 remake, he was called “Rudolph” or “Monster.” In the 1980 cartoon Duck Dodgers and the Return of the 24½th Century he was finally and permanently named Gossamer.
I'm working on Bugs Bunny to fit in his fist, though I may have fun with other characters as well.
I have some optional heels created to help him stabilize if you have problems with his tipping over. If there are enough requests I may design a base for him to stand on.
In my experience the shoelaces print best upside-down. I used tree supports (45 degrees max from the build plate only) for the body and shoe laces, which came away very cleanly.For colors, I used Inland True Red PLA+ for the body; the black and white were standard PLA (also from Inland, but not critical in this case).
The author marked this model as their own original creation.