In the Robotics Software Engineering program at URJC, we've recently welcomed four iRobot® Create® 3 robots —an event that's certainly cause for celebration!— Given our intention to utilize these mounts for both educational and research purposes, we will frequently need to attach and detach various accessories as quickly as possible. Furthermore, these mounts must be as sturdy as possible while maintaining some flexibility for orientation.
We have a history of using similar mounts for a wide variety of sports and activities. Action camera mounts, standardized by GoPro®, appear to meet our requirements perfectly. Aditionally, design an interface for such a mount is easy enough to quickly iterate over different accessories like cameras, sensors, panels with AruCo markers… So here we are!
Certainly, employing an actual action camera seems appealing enough! It would serve as a valuable resource for both enjoyment and documentation purposes. 😬
NOTE. The quantity of each component depends on the models and the number of them you will use. However, you will always need one of each for every hole in the model you are using.
As for the bolt securing the accesories to the mount itself, in the pictures I am using this model in its short version, along with one M5 nut (DIN1587)
I highly recommend using PETG for this application, as the clamping bolts will exert direct pressure on the weakest part of any FDM printed component. Layer adhesion is a crucial consideration here. While you have the freedom to choose any material you prefer, it's essential to keep a close watch on this aspect.
Regarding the printing settings, feel free to select those with which you are most comfortable. However, bear in mind that since the final assembly involves additional hardware, the tolerances of your part will also play a significant role.
If you are utilizing PETG, please adhere to the original orientation. The holes designed for the threaded inserts are sufficiently small to be printed without supports; thus, their usage is unnecessary.
Hope you find it useful. Cheers!
The author remixed this model.
The model has been modified to accommodate an interface that is compatible with different positions on the faceplate of the iRobot® Create® 3.