Creality K1 Extruder Cover (PC4-01 Coupler)

allows for a replaceable PC4-01 Coupler
updated March 15, 2024



K1 Extruder cover that can use a replaceable PC4-01 Coupler.  My stock one kept failing and I have a ton of these coupler lying around.

There are no printed threads for the coupler to attach, but it's a good size for cutting your own by just twisting it (might need a wrench). 

Make sure the smaller hole beyond the coupler part is big enough for your PTFE to slid in.  You may want to file or drill it out to 4mm depending on your print quality.  When inserting the tube into the assembled extruder you should feel it push a few mm further at the end with a little more resistance, similar to the stock extruder


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Made it so you can use a replaceable PC4-01 Coupler.  Mine kept failing and I have a ton of these coupler lying around.
