Fan shroud is suitable for Mingda Magician series extruder. Shroud should be printed at least from PETG material, despite being close to the hot-end PETG works fine, does not deform.
Uses a single 4020 Turbo fan. Fan is secured with a M3x25mm bolt on one side, on the other I used a single drop of superglue - can still be easily removed and replaced if needed.
Due to it's orientation you can also fit a bigger block V6-PT100 to the hot end.
Beware, you'll need to adjust the fan speed and find the right amount of cooling for you needs.
Print with at least 0.2mm layer height and supports from the buildplate.
It's an excellent cooling system upgrade!
The author remixed this model.
Fan shroud is designed to fit the Mingda Magician series extruder. OEM extruder cover needs to be removed in order to fit this one. Fits in the same place as the OEM 4010 fan, use OEM bolts.