Make a WiFi SMART LAMP from Empty Spools

Upcycle your filament spools into a cool, low cost, sound responsive and WLED driven lamp. WiFi, Hue and Alexa control.
updated March 12, 2024



Over time I have collected a few empty spools which for some reason always seemed to good to just let the local council recycle them. Now it’s time to make something with them.

A filament spool lamp is not a new idea, but I wanted to add some additional features using the ESP32 tucked away inside the base which allows for some cool sound synced shiny shows or MQTT, Hue and Alexa integrations.

Naturally, this can be controlled from any device via wifi using WLEDs web interface or several free apps found on the app stores. Though sometimes it’s easier and quicker to physically adjust a lamp so I’ve integrated a discrete dimmer control right into the top of the project which allows you to easily adjust the brightness or switch the lamp off whilst a hidden button on the underside lets you change between your preferred lighting patterns with a simple click, whilst a longer hold switches over to sound sensitive party performance mode

I used broom handles for legs which makes this very affordable, and everything else is 3D printed.

I’ll also show you three ways of dealing with the power cable, leave it free hanging, 3D print some wire clips or recessed inside one of the legs.

Now you may be thinking correctly that filament spools come in all shapes and sizes. So to accommodate this I have designed and freely published a parametric model which you can download (linked below) - you then simply enter these values into a table and the model will adjust and produce the parts you need to print for your own lamp. 

Full details for adjusting this model in the free version of Fusion 360 are available further down the page on my website: 


List of items used in this project and where to find them / BOM:


Kit of electronic parts:

12v Power Supply (allow 0.7amps at least for every 10 LEDs):

    or optionally

You can order a kit of the electronics, screws and pcb on my international Etsy store: 


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
