Polynesian / Maori Patu 3

Patu Club
updated March 11, 2024



Club (Patu Onewa)

This type of short-handled club (patu) features a flat elongated blade with sharp striking edge. The term patu means to strike, hit or subdue in Maori – in this case the blow administered was a sharp, horizontal thrust straight from the shoulder aimed at the enemy’s temple. Finely finished, these flat bladed weapons could be made from wood, stone, whalebone (patu paraoa) and even prestigious greenstone (mere pounamu) see 1979.206.1459 for a fine example in the Met’s Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection. Patu onewa refer specifically to hand clubs carved from stone (greywacke or basalt) such as this one, which was cut and painstakingly polished with natural abrasives to achieve its smooth surface and fine lines. A single perforation at the rounded tip would have had a cord (tau) fashioned from dog skin to fasten it securely to the wrist. The rounded tip features a series of perfectly concentric grooves, which yield and unfold to the base of the handle.

Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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