Eleduino Raspberry Pi rainbow case stand

I liked and used rewsiffer's raspberry pi upgright mount; http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1263396. I used it to mount…
updated March 12, 2024



I liked and used rewsiffer's raspberry pi upgright mount; http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1263396. I used it to mount my Raspberry Pi (with a case) to the back of my dresser. You can look at the "made" section on this page to see how I use it.

I have a "rainbow" case from eleduino (http://www.eleduino.com/Rainbow-Case-for-Raspberry-pi-3-model-B-and-Raspberry-pi-2-model-B-Development-Board-p10428.html) that I wanted to put in my other Raspberry Pi. The problem is the screws for the case do not go through the Raspberry Pi mounting holes but around the outside of the case. I had to design a new mounting bracket to allow me to use the case. I wanted to use my case so I would not have the raw circuit board exposed.

I guess this is not a true remix of a part since I only used his model as a reference. I did not actually modify his design.

I wanted to be able to screw the M3 bolts into the base and not force them in. If you use a M3 tap you will be able to create threads in the holes. That way you will be able to screw / unscrew the bolts easily. I also created a countersink for the two holes to mount the stand to a surface. That way the heads of the drywall screws sit more flush with the stand.

I have included the Fusion 360 file if you want to edit this stand.

Filament is Hatchbox's Purple: https://www.amazon.com/HATCHBOX-3D-PLA-1KG1-75-PUR-Filament-Dimensional/dp/B00MEZDRPO/ref=sr_1_15?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1492725225&sr=1-15&keywords=hatchbox+pla+1.75

Print Settings


Wanhao Duplicator i3 v 2.1










To have the M3 bolts (the ones that hold the case to the unit) screw into the stand you need a M3 tap. I have designed the stand off holes to be 2.5mm so the tap will create good threads. I used M3 x 25mm long bolts to hold the case to the stand. Also, two drywall screws to mount the stand to a surface.

How I Designed This

I used Fusion 360 and rewsiffer's desgin (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1263396) as a base to create a new stand for the eleduino rainbow case (http://www.eleduino.com/Rainbow-Case-for-Raspberry-pi-3-model-B-and-Raspberry-pi-2-model-B-Development-Board-p10428.html).

Category: Electronics


Model origin

The author remixed this model. Imported from Thingiverse.

Raspberry Pi Angle/Upright Mount
by rewsiffer (thingiverse.com)

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Used the idea of the mount to make a new one that fits the case.
