This print is straight up awesome. But what can be better than awesome? Portable awesome! -in the form of a keychain.
The steps to print this keychain are listed below. Please check out the original creator of this no internet masterpiece over at Table NO INTERNET by Maraktos | Download free STL model |
How to print:
-Color 1. Ex: Red (Start to Layer 5)
-Color 2. Ex: Yellow (Layer 8)
-Color 3. Ex: Black (Layer 10)
-Color 4. Ex: White (Layer 10- End)
*Printed at a layer height of 0.16 with a first layer height of 0.2.
As shown in the scale comparison photos, the bottom part was giving me a hard time to print at such a small scale. I have decided to change up the formula. Now, only the 3 cactus exists and it prints well at a smaller scale. The steps for printing are the same as shown above.
Please feel free to leave a like and review on this model. Like all of my future models, you can be sure to bet your bottom dollar they'll be good. Till then, enjoy your day fine folks!
The author remixed this model.
Added a keyhole so that this print can be made into a keychain.