A generic peg connector for Multiboard that you can use to hang various accessories/bins or anything else you'd like. Similar to DavidD's Multiconnect - Generic Connector. I loved his idea, but wanted a peg version that i could use on smaller accessories that would need only one connector.
So far I've created a few models using this idea.
See all compatible models using the multiconnect or the multiconnectpeg tags.
Why use this connector: I found that pegs are sturdy and easy to use, so by using these you can easily change accessories out. With DavidD's you'd have to use at least 2 so an object doesn't spin. So if you have a holder or something that is smaller than 2 octagon slots this might work better. Once the model is in place it should be invisible. Also since this is just a peg you don't have to worry about various connector sizes or push fits.
Also you may use this connector for your own models, see below. đź‘Ť
How to use with multiboard: Simply plug it in like any normal multiboard peg and then slide your part onto the peg.
About the peg connector system: The connector design/dimensions are actually pretty simple. I've included the STEP Files which includes the peg and a Negative of the peg slot. Feel free to just use those.
Printing instructions: I used at 3 perimeters at 0.12 mm layer height and 10% infill with the gyroid infill pattern, but others at higher % might be just fine. While I printed at around 145 mmps on my Neptune 4 Plus, but you might get better results printing slower. I would advise printing with a smart brim that is around .25 mm away so you don't have to trim as much off.
How to use for your own models: If you like the peg connector you can easily create your own models. All you need is to use the negative STEP file to cut the slot out of the back of your model. Again the default tolerance between the slot and peg is .2 mm, so if you need more or less you can adjust the negative. If you want to use multiple remember that the peg holes are 25 mm apart so place the slots appropriately.
If you want to create your own peg connectors you may also use the provided STEP files. Those just include the peg and the negative.
Please upload your model using the “multiconnect” and “multiconnectpeg” tags, so they are easily visible to others. Also this page links to this tag on printables and thangs - so you might just get some extra views by using this tag.
If you have any issues or suggestions let me know. I'm still new at modeling so feed back is appreciated.
Credits to Jonathan (KeepMaking) for creating multiboard, and David D (DavidD) for creating the MultiConnect Generic Connector.
The author remixed this model.
Was inspired by DavidD Multiconnect to make a peg version and modified the Multiboard Pegboard Click to be able to slide into a slot.