I wanted a 3 color Pastamatic with Bambu colors to compliment my Bambu Lab Colored toolbox with AMS lid. Decided on Black Frames, Grey Parts, and Bambu Green spindle clips for accents. File is on 4 seperate plates. Took considerable time to organize the plates as well as substitue the remixes and I'm sharing 3mf with the community. I don't have any TPU so included the PETG Wiper Remix for any of us that has PETG on hand.
-Used .08 layer height, 15% Gyroid Infill, Cool Plate for PLA and Engineering Plate for PETG.
-Kept GekoPrime's settings for Spindles and Shims (100% Concentric Infill).
-3 parts come loose during printing. Both crossbars and the tallest alternate female spindl so recommend using extra gluestick or perhaps even a brim or painted supports for these parts. Printed at standard speed so it might have done better at 50% speed. Alternativley one can print the crossbars on another plate laying down.
Much appreciation to the community for all the awesome designs and remixes for this project!
Hoping this organization of all the parts and remixes into 4 plates is helpful to someone.
Files Included in 3mf:
GekoPrime - Current 9-30-2023 3mf file
GekoPrime - Alternate Female spindle
GekoPrime - Spindle Retention Clips
Schiko - Driven Spindle Retention Clip
Neil J Borja - Extra Clearance Wiper Mounts
Tom Cichowicz - Reinforced Main Drive Spindle
Schiko - Clamps for crossbars
Devon Pucel - Pins with Cotter Pins and Remixed Cradle Frame
ROLS733 - 30mm Spacer
CerialPhreak - PETG Wiper Blades
The author remixed this model.
Created a .3mf file with several remixes included to GekoPrime's current 9-30-2023 3mf file to help with easier downloading. Organized into several plates to help with choosing colors and printing.