This pumpkin shaped box has a hidden rack and pinion latching mechanism. Great for storing or giving Halloween candy.
updated October 2, 2023



The hidden latching mechanism will only unlock if you discover the twisting top  section.



Choose between 2 base designs (smile or plain)

Choose between 4 ring designs ("Happy Halloween", “Trick or Treat”, “Allergen Free” or plain)



  • No supports are needed if all parts are properly aligned on the bed.
  • If using the “Happy Halloween” or “Trick or Treat” rings, swap out the color a few layers in to really make the text easier to read. 



Assembly is the same as the original Twist Lock Trick Box. Watch this video for the complete process.

Make sure to pre-tension the spring by one gear tooth

This will assure that the latches have a strong hold on the base. This is also necessary for the alignment of some toppers.

Make sure to glue the spring and topper

If you do not fully secure these parts, the mechanism may become detached while in a locked state. I recommend using either super glue or 3D Gloop!, but hot glue can work as well. Be careful not to glue the latches in place.


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