The design is of a MakerCoin. My own MakerCoin! A MakerCoin is a little round object like this one, and its purpose is twofold. First, a signature of sorts, that is clearly identifiable as being associated with its creator. Like a business card! Second, it can be used to test printers. Its small size and distinct design make it a quick and easy choice for comparing printer quality and filament colors. My idea for this coin was to make something hexagonal, but also evocative of a bottle cap. I particularly wanted the middle to have a negative space lineart of my logo, but determining what “my logo” should be was a bit tricky… But! More on that later!
The goal of this project was to make a MakerCoin that met the following criteria:
Initially, the coin according to my sketches was very different. Here’s a pic of the last draft it got to:
Now, it may look similar, but it’s actually quite different. It’s subtle, but notice the shorter ridges, the flat, un-domed face, curved underside, and the fact it doesn’t have my face on it.
It’s actually sort of based on this character I made, “Adam Atomic Apple,” who is also an alias I operate under sometimes. He looks like this:
Free me.
Maybe later. Anyway, I’d already constructed a sort of brand around him, the fictitious “Atomic Apple Corp.”, but for something as personal as a MakerCoin, I felt like reusing this imagery wasn’t good enough… I made this coin instead, with a simplified depiction of how I draw my face.
There are a couple other differences between the final draft and the prototype, some of which I listed earlier. There’s
The flattened underneath
The increased height of the bottlecap creases
The domed top surface
And the general increased filleting
I’ve actually included both in the files, with the prototype referred to as “Howe-LePomme”, as LePomme is Adam’s dumb stupid made-up last name.
Stop that.
Make me.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.