Big tin can with easy open lid.

I remixed @Whadup’s cool tin can. Made it twice as big with knob handle on top of lid for easy opening.
updated February 15, 2024



The can is the same as the original, but scaled 200%.

The lid is in two parts. Supports are required on the larger ring shaped piece. The two pieces of the lid are threaded. After removing supports from the ring shaped piece, put some glue on the threads of the smaller piece and screw it into the ring.


If you like ❤ my remixed model, please like ❤ the original too! 

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I liked @Whadup’s original model and printed it bigger. 200%. At that size I wanted an easier handle to attach the lid. 

My remix has a new lid with a smaller handle to screw on the lid. I made it in two parts for easier printing.


Highlighted models from creator

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