Gridfinity Compatible 17 mL bottle paint rack (5 tiers)

A remix of @Frank_383084 's awesome paint rack. Roughly added more tiers to his original design. The back is a bit rough
updated February 6, 2024



A 5-tier paint rack remix of Frank's model. This model fits on a 2x4 gridfinity grid and holds 28 17mL bottles (or smaller) similar to the Vallejo and Army Painter paint lines.  The design makes use of the best shape (hexagons are the bestagons) to compactly store a large number of bottles with minimal plastic use.  It's great! I loved the design so much I tried my hand at making it even bigger to store more paints.  There were some hiccups with the design which I elaborate on in the remix explanation so be sure to read it before printing.

Printed on an Ankermake M5 with PLA+ on the precision setting.

I used the bin model because I liked it better than the non-bin type, though I haven't found a good use for the bins yet :0


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I loved Frank's design so much I knew I wanted more of them.  I roughly added 2 more tiers to his original design with the bin. The back of the model is a bit rough, I'm a novice when it comes to modeling programs, but it printed well in my Ankermake M5 with PLA+ on the precision setting.  Because of the way the hexagons tesselate I had to shave off part of the top 2 rows off in order to make sure it stayed in line.  Because of this the top of each of those hexagons was missing a small triangle which I roughly filled in in Fusion 360.  It didn't affect the integrity of the print for me,
