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Meiho 7070 Fishing Box Powerbait & Jarabait Holder

A powerbait and Jarabait Holder for the Meiho 7070 Fishing Box
updated August 29, 2024



Version 2:

I have now redesigned the joint for the 2 peices, to allow the 2 peices to be joined stronger, however, the peices should still be glue this new joint just ensures a stronger bond when glued and reduces likelyhood of the joint failing and now there is not requirements for supports on either prints.

Printed as 2 pieces at the same time and then glued together powerbait fits diagonally on a 22x22cm print bed and Jarabait fits perfectly on a 22x22 bed.

The holes on the holders are all 5mm. however, dependant on your printer tolerances you may need to drill them out to get the bolts to fit using a 5mm drill bit.

You will require the following to attach each holder to your box:

Size 5 drill bit

4 x M5 x 50 Bolts (Sechskantschrauben)

4 x M5 nuts (Sechskantmuttern)

The holders are designed to be attached to the bottom of the box. Should you wish to print a second as in my pictures it will fit but you will need to place spaces between the holder and the box or there will be a 2mm gap.

My printer settings:

Layer height 0.3mm

First layer height 0.2mm

Infill: 25% Cubic (Used for strength)

Material: PLA+ or PETG recommended

Supports: None 

N.B there was an error with the hole sizing for Jara and Powerbait V2 files which has now been corrected 12.04.2024

I have included the following files as well:


V1 some people may prefer that type of joint, or for if the tolerances on your machine arent good enough for V2 to print well, bear in mind for V1 supports mayhbe needed on the join blocks that protrude.

1 Peice print, If you have a larger printer you can print the holders out in 1 peice therefore no joints required, your going to need a printer with a plate of 35 x 35 


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The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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