Pocket Cabinet Tool V2 - Keychain tool designed for opening network cabinets. Opening is for 7/16" hex head style locks
Here is V2 of the “Pocket Cab Tool”. Allows you to open telecom/network cabinets without having to go dig through your tools; or carry a bulky cabinet key.
Recommended Print Settings:
PLA - yep, have trialed many of these mainly using PLA.
0.2mm layer height
0.4mm nozzle
Default Prusa Slicer Settings
Make sure you have good bed adhesion if printing the single version. Don't try to use crazy speeds. If you have adhesion issues, maybe set a brim or try the x4 batch .stl as it has tabs to assist on the first layer.
Post Processing:
If you print the x4 Batch .stl - will need to trim the tabs off