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Cylindrical voronoi lampshade for elongated bulb

This is the upper lampshade part for an existing lamp which had glaring before. It is done with voronoi shapes.
8h 58m
2× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
125.00 g
updated February 4, 2024



This is the upper lampshade part for an existing lamp which had quite some glaring before. It is done with voronoi shapes. There is also an adaptor to center the shade in a seperate file (strong overhangs otherwise). The wall thickness is 15mm with according vornoi cell sizes to reduce glaring by not having a lot direct paths to see the bulb itself.

I printed it without any infill or support structures on my MK4 and it actually worked out (yes, even with all the voronoi overhangs, only a few minor flaws are clearly visible…)

The lampshade is 70mm outer diameter, 40mm inner diameter and 100mm in length. The bulb itsself is 95mm in length and 35mm diameter. The wooden stand is 70mm in diameter and 100mm in length with an E27 threat. I sadly can not find the types/links online, stuff was baught at Bauhaus.


Do only use LED bulb for resons of heat!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
