If you like the aesthetic of the original Rookery, but want to cram in a bunch more stuff, this might be the toolhead for you. Takes a rookery, makes it a bit taller, a lot wider, and a bit heavier. The tradeoff is you can fit a micro sherpa extruder, ADXL, 4010 hotend fan, and super pinda in there. You won't get the best possible airflow from this, but you will get something similar to the original Rookery.
This was created for the parts that come with Fabreeko's Rook Mk1 kit, and put in a Rook2020.
It will need a handful of M3 heated inserts, and a handful of M3 screws. A few more than the original. The side screws that secure the sides will need to be button head screws for X axis clearance reasons. For the rest, cap head screws are fine.
On my 2020, I have just managed to keep the full 120x120 print area. I am also using the fixed version of the micro sherpa, but I think both kinds will fit. It will NOT fit the mini-sherpa in the provided holes.
BE CAREFUL - Do not let the slicer fill the narrow air ducts with supports!
The author remixed this model.
I re-sketched everything in Fusion to make my life easier, but many of the dimensions and overall shapes are very much directly derived from the original Rookery toolhead. The Hot End Key does the same job, but is pretty different in form. Belt Cradle is very similar, but for the second screw at the bottom. The shroud is similar aesthetically, as well as in how it handles cooling ducts, but flares out considerably to make room for the Sherpa, Pinda, and 4010 fan.