Formbot Micron+ Supplementary Information And Resources

For a successful build and less pain.
updated September 23, 2024




This repository contains unofficial supplementary information and resources for the Formbot Micron Plus kit. 

I've attached attached some files from the Github repo for easy access, they are not changed in anyway and shared with their original license (see )

If you spotted errors or something is unclear just leave a reply or ping me on Voron, Doom or Formbot Discord, name is   .yell.   (dot yell dot)


I'll move fixed issues (new kits) into archive zone at the bottom, check them out as you might have a old kit.



Last Change (rest at the bottom

2024-06-02T18:04:51+0000fixed screw label on frame assemble




General Printing advice

make a folder and then add the files in this order overriding existing

official repo release 


  • Z_Joints
  • Idlers
  • XY_Joints
  • Z_Idlers
(optional) r1 gantry full. 
older kits have 185 instead of 180mm extrusion (dremel/sand off) 
i dont recommend the the Z drives yet, 
also they need different closed loop belts!

formbot customs

  • 180mm Front Grille
  • M8P_Mounting bracket
  • Screen Bracket
  • Screen Case 

PCB Klicky

  • dock-front_insert
  • probe-heatset OR screw 

R1 Hinges if not using Zeropanels (link future in the guide)

Attention: skip the preload nuts in the left Z extrusion where the magnets sit



The bakelite spacers have less height then the stock option, this results in the A/B Motors hitting the belt covers. Imho the best solution is to print covers that have less height

  • these should work (check!)
  • add negative volume for led cable
  • iirc m3x8s work but x6 feels better, maybe even countersunk for the rear ones 


Shopping List

Additional Parts

M3x6 BHCS work better for me on X Rail
Update: New kits have M3x6mm SHCS 
[Link] (CN) or Amzn
M3x10 work better (for me) for the bottom panel and MiniSB[Link] (CN) or Amzn
Mgn7+9 Nutbars (High recommended)
m2 nuts can frick off
[Link] (CN) 
Frame aligment tool (High recommended)[Link] (CN) 

Replacement Parts

Original Replacement Sheets[Link] (Ali)
PCB Klicky[Link] (Ali)


Extrusion Backers 
Note: They are not polished and might require sanding 
on the bottom, only buy if you plan to anodize them or 
like industrial look
Unlog tool, really nice[Link] (Ali)



Nut Preload in Micron (WIP) Manual

Wrong Correct

The manual says 4 nuts on the left side top (pink circle)

It should be 

  • 2 on each side 
  • 5 back 
  • 4 front 

for the slot on top the lower extrusions

Green = put in this many
Pink = manual (wrong amount)

Manual has 8 nuts on the right side and only 8 on the front.

it should be:

  • 7 on each side
  • 8 rear (AC Inlet)
  • 9 front (screen)


Green = put in this many
Pink = manual (wrong amount)

Consider removing nuts for  ZeroPanels, 

they look awesome.

i use 3 hinges for ascetics, you can use a 3mm drill bit in reverse to easy lift them off for PLA printing



PSU Switch is flipped

If you attach the switch (lower part) according to the Voron manual the led will be light up permanently even if the printer itself has no power (off position).



Side Note: The wire colors are IEC color coded. Please follow it for your own and other peoples safety 



There is only enough 3mm for sides,rear, top with zero mistakes. Either buy more or use 1mm or none for the front door



The Z and XY-Joint idler are toothed ones, bearing stacks only in the A/B (front/rear)

Note this is a R1 Gantry and BZI


TFT35-Display (SPI)

  1. Check the cable sitting in the correct connectors and orientation,
  2. In /boot/BoardEnv.txt uncomment overlays=tft35_spi 
  3. shutdown the OS, remove power (flip switch)
  4. fix cable if wrong
  5. power on 

see this link


PCB Klicky on the ebb36

The ebb36 only has 5V for probes so you need to close the solder jumper or dont connect DC+ at all. (Signal & DC- is enough if you dont want a led)

More Infos


Z Drive Spacers

The kit uses the big metal gear instead of the printed one + deflanged GT2 16T. I've attached the spacers from the github for easy access. They are optional and only help to align everything, if yours warp or are over extruded leave them out.

Printer homes front left, Klicky move out of range X, -Y, Z

Your A/B steppers are swapped, coreXY Vorons home to the rear right. Test it with the following command INSTEAD of G28

# if you have NOT included klicky macros yet
# do so OR add the following to your printer.cfg
# save it and restart
enable_force_move: True
  1. Manually put the toolhead in the middle
  2. send:  SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION X=90 Y=90 Z=5
  3. send:  G91 
  4. send:  G0 X5
    1. Does it move the toolhead to the right? if yes proceed
  5. send:  G0 Y5
    1. Does it move the gantry to the back?   if yes proceed
  6. If any of the moves were diagonally, check
    1. belt path + tension 
    2. grub screw on the motor pulley
  7. Proceed tests according to the following graphic, keep going, never revert changes


Z motor and Y would move at the same time 

The 3rd step stick on the manta has dual output (marked by the red tape, its for dual leadscrew setups. 



  1. power down, remove power, remove the step sticks
  2. set the jumper for the stepper which should use sensorless
  3. follow this guide 
  4. but i prefer this macro 

"Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_x' register IFCNT" (or any other, but you usually home X first)

You likely forgot the Motor power jumper, power off the machine, remove the stepper and recheck

Source & Credits:

  • Green – Add Jumper
    • bottom right, is VIN and 24V for this kit
  • Red – Remove Jumper
    • unless the ones added for Sensorless


Where does this part go?


Solid State Relay (SSR) mounting platform to DIN Rail.

The SSR controlls the bed heating.


Bakelite Isolation Spacer as bed standoff, they go between the Bed extrusion and the bed itself.

Electronics placement in general. (the SSR to HE1 is pretty short, be gentle)

This is a Thermal Fuse, if the bed goes haywire and reach a certain temperature (printed on the fuse) it will pop and disconnect power to the bed.

The bed fuse is fixed on one of the middle holes from the bottom. Be gentle as the bed expands with heat and you dont want the fuse to shatter under the pressure.




MCU Flash

  1. Download the CB1 image 
  2. “burn” it to the SDCard with like the Raspberry Image
    1. Dont use its config option like wifi, it wont work
  3. Open the SDCard on you PC
  4. Edit system.cfg file
    1. Change WIFI_SSID and WIFI_PASSWD
    2. see my CB1 guide if you dont want to use Wifi as the script is kinda badly written
  5. Edit BoardEnv.txt file
    1. remove the #  infront of #overlays=tft35_spi for the included display
  6. Eject the SDCard and put it in the powered off Manta's SOC-Card slot


CAN Setup

power down the pi and flip the power switch off
disconnect the EBB36 physically
make sure to run the system with the CB1 Image, it includes mainsail already 

SSH into the CB1 with Putty or any other ssh client

Every command line is run inside this ssh session


Setup Manta as USB-CAN bridge with Klipper. 

Create can0 interface

sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces.d/can0 >/dev/null <<-EOF
allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
  bitrate 1000000
  up ifconfig can0 txqueuelen 1024
  pre-up ip link set can0 type can bitrate 1000000
  pre-up ip link set can0 txqueuelen 1024


Flash Manta with klipper

cd ~/klipper
make clean
make menuconfig 
  • see the image ----->
  • Choose USB to CAN bus bridge
  • double check Pins, its PD not PB
  • the bus speed MUST be the same for all devices (1M is good )



configure top down & missing options will show up



  1. Locate BOOT & RESET button the the Manta
  2. While holding the BOOT button, push RESET, release it, then release BOOT
  3. if not already, SSH into the CB1 
  4. use lsusb to verify the manta is in DFU Mote
  5. flash it (the last part should match the ID from lsusb, if not change it)
sudo dfu-util -a 0 -D ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin --dfuse-address 0x08002000:leave -d 0483:df11

sudo ifconfig can0 up

If everything is fine then the command ip addr shows a can0 interface in the state “UP”.If not poweroff (remove power totally) and power on. If it still doesnt work you configured the wrong pins in the menuconfig for the Manta, go back and reflash it.

NOTE: The Manta will present itself as CAN Device (with UID) and not as /dev/serial !



Setup the EBB36

  1. Follow the manual to download katapult 
  2. connect the EBB via USB ONLY
    1. not the 4pin cable
    2. while 24v works you have been warned
    3. for USB power mode add the Jumper shown in the image
  3. Locate the BOOT and RESET Button as shown in the image



  1. While holding the BOOT button, push RESET, release it, then release BOOT
  2. use lsusb to verify the EBB is shown
  • see image -------->
  • double check Pins, its PB not PD, this time the other way!
  • the bus speed MUST be the same for all devices (1M is good and CB1 default)
cd ~/katapult
make clean
make menuconfig 

(configure top down, it will then show the missing options)


sudo dfu-util -a 0 -D ~/katapult/out/canboot.bin --dfuse-address 0x08000000:force:mass-erase:leave -d 0483:df11
  1. Disconnect USB
  2. Remove USB Jumper
  3. Add 120R jumper on EBB36 AND Manta 



cd ~/klipper
make clean
make menuconfig
  • see image ------>
  • double check, Pins its PB not PD
  • the bus speed MUST be the same for all devices (1M is good and CB1 default)

(configure top down, it will then show the missing options)


# get UID from the following command
# Note that there MUST be 2 entries
# one is Klipper, this is the Manta
# one is CanBoot, this is the EBB
python3 ~/katapult/scripts/ -q

# flash the EBB with
python3 ~/katapult/scripts/  -u <UID> 


Hint for manually creating the printer.cfg


for pins mcu is the default controller and does not need to be specified.

The EBB however needs to and i recommend also prefixing the mcu.

Note that I also use boardpins you you likely need to specify the actual pin.

[mcu] # Manta
canbus_uuid: 8ac34ee54870

[mcu tool0] # EBB36
canbus_uuid: 75e72618a866

pin: tool0:FAN0

heater_pin: mcu:HE1


Klicky Setup

(1) Software config

I dont like changing variables in the Klicky configuration as its hard to keep track of what changed so i use the power of jinja2 to simply later override variables previouly defined (in the the default config

printer.cfg - Klicky part

attention: the values are for r1 gantry so adjust variable_docklocation_x and variable_docklocation_y

[include ./klicky/klicky-variables.cfg] # load default variables
[gcode_macro _User_Variables]           # override certain variables
variable_max_bed_y:      180
variable_max_bed_x:      180
variable_z_endstop_x:      0
variable_z_endstop_y:      0
variable_docklocation_x:  24.50
variable_docklocation_y: 190
Variable_dockmove_x:      40
Variable_attachmove_x:     0
Variable_attachmove_y:    20
[include ./klicky/klicky-macros.cfg]
[include ./klicky/klicky-quad-gantry-level.cfg]

printer.cfg - Probe Config

endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop

pin: ^tool0:PB9   # note: "tool0" is the [mcu ..] name you defined
                  # with the canbus_uui of the ebb36
y_offset: 26.0
x_offset: 0.0
                  # dont set z_offset in [Probe] but in 
                  # SAVE_CONFIG block at the bottom of the printer.cfg
                  # use something high like 10,
                  # print a large slow square and babystep down
                  # until it looks good, then SAVE_CONFIG from
                  # printer gui

#*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
#*# [probe]
#*# z_offset = 6.885

Verify the endstops again in mainsail

not attached => triggered

attached Klicky manually => open

attached and switch by hand pressed => triggered



See my  CB1 Customization



Bed Model

Download the bed image with save as

Download the bed movel as a usual STL and configure both in your slicer. (i use Orca)

Orca goodings

Here is a bonus for users with a recent Orca-Slicer version, all printers can now also swap bed types.


Adjust your print start/end code to take advantages if it (adjust the values)

Start printEnd print (reset Offset)

(1) textured plate 0.02 Z offset down 

(2) additional 0.5 if printing ABS/ASA 

because these are usually print at 100°c which expands the bed and frame more.

if you cancel the print  you will need to reset it manually!!

{if curr_bed_type=="Textured PEI Plate"}

{if ilament_type[initial_extruder]=="ABS"}
{elsif filament_type[initial_extruder]=="ASA"}


{if curr_bed_type=="Textured PEI Plate"}

{if ilament_type[initial_extruder]=="ABS"}
{elsif filament_type[initial_extruder]=="ASA"}





Archived Fixes

These issues are fixed but i keep them here for early kits, returns or old stock


Swap the middle 2 wires of the Z Motor connectors

if you dont do this klipper will throw emergency shutdown on Z moves.



repin fan/fansplitter OPTIONAL 

It works fine as it is but they mixed the wire colors. This one is for the toolhead.

Red is usually VIN (DC+) and black is DC- which is controlled by the GPIO pin. But they swapped it because the fans them self are swapped. Its a pain to repin them all, just keep in mind to never trust wire colors

misleadingPinoutCorrectedwith supplied fans unswapped


Fix Ghost-touches

Use the lastest official Image


I'll leave the guide here for people not wanting to scrub their sdcard.

The fix is already merged in their Github but they didnt provide upgrade packages or a new iso. Until this happens you can fix it manually with these precompiled packages provided by freakydude or make them yourself according to their instruction 

Just a reminder, this is the Internet and I'm a random person.

## ssh to your printer
cd ~

mkdir cb1displaydriver

cd cb1displaydriver



# If the link do not work update them from here

sudo dpkg -i linux*

This would go to home (~), create a new folder, download the packages and install them.





time (ISO 8601) Change
  • added TFT calibration
  • PCB Klicky on the ebb36
  • moved Software below Hardware part
  • added Z Drive Spacer
  • added Slicer section
  • added handles + Zeropanel  recommendation
  • new section “Where does this part go”
  • added Klicky setup
  • added wrong homing section (front rear)
  • Manta & Ebb36 flashing now good to go
  • formatting
  • added Z&Y move at the same time
  • formatting
  • sensorless
  • added electronics image as guidance (is not perfect)
  • added custom wago for mains
  • changed title
  • added some tags
  • reworded intro
  • added Manta User manual for completion sake
  • added "Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_x' register IFCNT" section
  • added link to R1 BZI (preferred)
  • moved Changelog to the bottom
  • added PCB Klicky toolhead mount with endstop
  • added bed fuse to where does this go
  • added CB1 flashing mini guide
  • added IEC hint on mains inlet
  • changed Katapult flash to dfu flash
  • added fix for TFT35 ghost touches
  • added notes to create can0 interface
  • added simple printing Instruction
  • added note about the belt cover and bakelite in printing instructions
  • Updated link for ghost touch fix
  • Updated ghost touch fix, now in official release Image
  • Moved Z Stepper Wire, Ghost touches and cooling fan pins in archive zone.
  • added missing make for ebb's katapult flash
  • improved nut section with more screenshots
  • added note about m3x8 SHCS in new kits not found on the BOM
  • moved shopping links to a dedicated section
  • New original replacement sheet and recommended addons
2024-06-02T18:04:51+0000fixed screw label on frame assemble



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


Highlighted models from creator

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