About: Want to attach your multigrid bins to your new multiboard wall, but don't like the existing solution? Want to easily swap shelves? This is just the right solution for you. Just download some multiboard connector, connect it to your board and then mount the shelves onto that. The connectors allow for easy removal if you want to change anything.
I also do include all the necessary STEP files to change the models yourself, for example if you want to use different sizes.
How to use: You will need at least one multiboard connector for each edge of the shelve, but may use as many as you like. Connect those to the multiboard, then just slide the shelve over all the connectors. The bin should “click” in when pushed down.
If you want to remove a shelve just push it up again. You may then reconnect to any other connectors.
There are two different variants of the shelves. One with a small screw hole in the middle for each bin and one without this. You may use the screw holes to permanently attach the bins - if you like. Just use the small screw to to so. Personally I prefer the option to move the bins around.
Multipoint compatibility: If you want to use this model with multipoint you may use the multipoint to multiconnect adapter.
About sizes: The shelves are named XxY where X is the width and Y is the depth in multigrid dimensions. So the shelve size has to be multiplied by the multigrid grid size of 50mm plus will have a padding of 1.5mm on each side. This means when a multigrid shelve is named “2x1” it is 100mm + 3mm wide and 50mm + 1.5 mm deep. The height depends on what multigrid containers you are using.
Putting multiple shelves next to each other: The shelves feature a diagonal brace on each side. As of this the shelve is 3mm wider than the multiboard grid. This means you cannot put shelves next to each other. If you just leave one grid box space between the shelves everything will work.
The shelve will still match the grid dimensions and look nicely.
Credits to Jonathan (KeepMaking) for creating multiboard.
The author remixed this model.
Use multiboard base plate like design to create a multigrid shelve.