@KeithBlack_1993810 Thanks for printing!
@VKcom123 great! Thanks for printing!
Beautiful model!
P.S. Don't try to carry it by the handle cos it will tip over lol
Gorgeous print! Next one will be purple
@JessicaK_2277346 thanks for printing!
All the pieces went together easily and the whole thing turned out great!
@DerekCrensha_1052629 thanks for the feedback!
@morf Thanks for printing!
@BeeFarm_2209345 Thanks for printing!
I started off with a 2 pail collection ( https://www.printables.com/model/824534-drippy-bucket). It has grown somewhat since then. I have a pretty decent technique established now for resizing in Prusa Slicer. All printed in PETg. (edited)
@RUs_nephew_303829 great collection!
Had to increase layer height to 0.4 (on a 0.4 nozzle no less!! 😣) due to the 4 hour time limit at the local public library but hey, it worked!!
@FaridT_2026788 Love the thick layer lines! Thanks for printing!
Hello everyone! Do you know what is the actual size of each part of the bucket? When I load the file into the Creality print program it goes on very small size....
I'm using the Creality k1 Max as a printer.
Thank you!