These are meant to be replacement parts for the GLoA E-Reader cases we are selling on 16 Bit Store. If you'd like to buy a pre-made case we are selling them at
If you wish to make your own case, you'll need to design your own cover, however here are the parts you'll need to complete the shell.
+ 8 - IUTA or IUTB threaded inserts. I got mine from Mouser, Both the M2 and the #2-56 insert works
+ 8 - 4mm M2 or 3/16" #2-56 Flathead Machine Screws. We designed it for 3/16" of clearance and the arms are 1mm thick so long as the screw is between 1.5mm and 3/16" it'll work
+ 1 - 1/4" × 1/10" Rare Earth Magnet, though you can probably modify the design to fit wider 10mmx2mm magnets instead.
If you want ideas on how we made the cover, we have a playlist on YouTube showing how we stitched one together here:
If you want to modify the case the FreeCAD models are available on github here:
The author marked this model as their own original creation.