This is a display stand for the 2023 Tron Identity Disc found at Disney Parks by the Lightcycle Run coaster.
LOVED the simplicity of the wall mount, but I have ZERO well placed available wall space in the room this will live so I wanted to make a stand for a display shelf.
All but one part is 3d printed in a material of your choice. But I would pick a material with high layer adhesion strength for the top hook. So far I've found that Polymaker Polyterra PLA might not be great. Hides layer lines awesome but and it DID work ok when I tried it with the original wall mount with command strips but it easily snapped apart when trying to remove it from the wall. Regular PLA seems far stronger and is what I used in the pictured print. So I'd go with PLA or PETG. ABS if you have well controlled temps.
You will need to obtain a 250mm x 60mm x 6 mm acrylic sheet for the main support spine. I got abrasion resistant acrylic (AR2) cut by TAP Plastics.
The base has 2 versions. One with slots for the current 4 Identity Chips, and one without. If there's more released, the f3d and step files should help with adding more, or you can message me and I can try adding a variant for ya.
Optional Middle Support: It is designed to use an M3 4x5mm heatset insert and an M3 screw as a set screw to secure the middle support to prevent it from sliding down. The piece was determined to be optional once finally printed as the hook keeps everything pretty straight without it. But it was included in case you want to use it.
I have included the Fusion360 f3d file as well as a step file to let anyone easily modify it as you need and assist in remixes. Especially since cut to size acrylic and your own printer might have variances that will affect fit.
Due to those potential variance in printers and acrylic cuts, I have also included a test print I used for checking the fit of both the acrylic and the Identity Chips. This will save you from doing a full print only to have things be too snug or too loose. You want it JUST tight enough that things slide together but nothing wobbles. So you may need to edit the model files to tweak tolerances for yourself.
No supports needed for anything but I did need to use a razor to clean out some drooping bridging in the top piece for the acrylic to fit. You may have better bridging than I did 😁 . All parts are printed in the orientation pictured in the thumbnails.
The author remixed this model.
The original wall mount has been incorporated into a fully fledged display stand.