Taom Updated Chalk Holder

Container is used to hold Taom brand round chalk.
updated August 19, 2024



Taom remix to tighten up the fit of the standard round chalk to holder.  Original design was solid and worked but chalk had a little too much wiggle room.  I believe the original design was made/designed to store chalk while not in use to prevent chalk from drying out.  I want to expand and allow the container to not only keep chalk fresh when not in use but to also hold chalk while playing.  By adding the hole and using hardware from another holder I was able to attach to my holder and have chalk accessible hanging from my pocket during play.  I also added a small Velcro sticky tape to bottom of chalk to help with adhesion.  Great original design 


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Original file I downloaded measured diameter of 33.99mm X 34.00mm, lid did fit and thread on easily.

I decreased the overall dimensional size by approx. 1mm to have a better fit around the chalk.  Diameter is now 33mm for both container and lid.  I also added a small Velcro sticky tape to bottom of chalk to help with adhesion. Top threads on smooth. 

Created a non-logo lid, slight ring around exterior where software would not attach pieces smoothly.  see pictures provided for ring view, could be sanded flush. 

I also drilled a hole after print in the bottom to install a chain for attachment to chalk keeper my wife bought me.  
