Fully customizable ventilation grill (with edge)

This Thing is a fully customizable ventilation grill that allows you to construct a wide range of ventilation outlets.
updated January 15, 2024



This Thing is a fully customizable ventilation grill that allows you to construct a wide range of ventilation outlets just by changing some parameters.

Use openscad to configure it.

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Fully customizable ventilation grill
by kakiemon (thingiverse.com)

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Since the real world is not perfect, i've added a configurable edge.

This hides imperfections if you try to use this as a cover for a ventilation vent. Pipes often stick out and ceilings around a pipe are not completely flat. The edge helps hiding this.

Its configurable and can be disabled to get the normal behaviour.

